5 Basic But Necessary Commands You Should Teach Your Dog

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Basic Commands

Every dog owner

Should Teach Their Dog

Responsible dog owner trains their dog to fit society. This way everyday life is safe and enjoyable for both. It’s good to teach your dog the basic commands.

Basic Commands




'Leave it'

'Lay down'

Necessary commands to teach to your dog

Basic commands which are necessary to teach your dog are ’sit’, ’come’, ’stay’, ’leave it’, and ’lay down’. It is a great idea to teach your dog to walk on a leash and pass other dogs. Also, don’t forget to potty train your dog.

“Teaching basic commands leads to a strong foundation and therefore makes living with your buddy joyous. It also strengthens your bond and makes your dog obedient. ”


Sitting down comes naturally for dogs, so it is easy to teach it to them. When your dog can sit down when asked, the command can be used in situations where he could get distracted. For example when passing other dogs while on a walk.

  1. Standing dog

Hold a treat in your hand just in the front of his nose while he is standing in front of you. Quide your dog by moving the treat above his head, so that he lifts his nose.

2. Reward

When he sits down, reward him. Keep rewarding him if he stays in the seated position.

3. Teach with a sign

When your dog learns to sit down, you can start to add a sign. You can for example do a sign with your hand or say the command ’sit’. You can also do both.


After your dog has learned to sit you can teach him to stay in that position.

  1. Command your dog to sit down

Command him to sit. Then straighten your hand and say ’stay’. Reward him immediately.


      2.  Add movement

After he has learned to stay in a position, you can start adding movements to the exercise. 

Take few steps away from your dog.

After time you can start moving around your dog. 

If he comes to you, calmly take him back to the place he was originally sitting and repeat the exercise. 

Make sure you release him after awhile so he learns that he is allowed to move after you release him and not when he feels like it.

3. Use a vocal command when releasing


When you release him you should use a vocal command. It could be ’yes’, ’take’, ‘free’, or whatever you like as long as you will always use it when releasing your dog from an exercise.

Pro tip: When you give your dog his meal use the same releasing command that way he learns it fast and easily.

'Lay down', or 'lay'

After your dog has learned to sit and stay, you can teach him to lay down.

  1. Command your dog to sit

Hold a treat in front of his nose while he is seated. Then slowly move the treat down close to the floor while your dog is following it. As soon as he is laying on the floor, reward him.

2. Add a sign

After your dog learns to lay down, you can add a sign. Move your hand down plam facing downwards and try to get him go lay down. After he learns to do it with a hand sign, you can add a vocal command ’lay’.

Later on, when your dog has learned to lay down, you can ask him to lay down without having to sit first.


  1. Lure your dog with a treat

Get your dog’s attention with a treat. Let him sniff the treat but don’t let him eat it.

2. Call your dog


If your dog has learned ’sit’ and ’stay’ perfectly you can use it in this practice by telling your dog to sit and stay and take a few steps back. If he can’t do it yet you can have someone else hold your dog while you take a few steps back.


Keep his attention while you take those few steps back.


Then squat down to his level, spread your arms, and call your dog with a happy tone in your voice by saying ’come’. If someone is holding your dog they can now release their hold.

3. Encourage your dog

When your dog is close to you, straighten your arm which is holding the treat, and lure your dog close to you with the treat.

Don’t give the treat to him immediately, because the point of this is not that he takes the treat and runs away, the point is that he stays.

4. Reward your dog


Give him the treat and grab his collar gently so he is not able to run away. Pet him and give him treats and rewards. This way he learns that it’s beneficial to come to you.

What not to do: If your dog does not come to you immediately and eventually comes don’t scold him. This way he learns that coming to you is not a good thing. Instead be patient and wait for him to come to you and the reward him.

'Leave it'

It is necessary to teach your dog to leave things. For example if your dog takes something that might be harmful for him, you can tell him to leave it.

Leave a toy


Start by playing with a toy. Do it for sometime and then tell him to leave it. When he leaves the toy reward him immeadiately by starting to play with him and by using the releasing command or you can give him a treat. It might take sometime before he lets go of the toy but it will eventually happen. Don’t use physical strenght to try to get their teeth away from the toy.

You can also do it with a treat

Put a treat before him and use the command ‘leave it’. If he tries to take it, cover the treat with your hand. Release and reward him when he has waited for a few seconds. You can make the task more difficult by increasing the time he waits before getting the treat.

If you want to teach your dog additional tricks, you may want to read this book:

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