How To Make Your Dog Good With Social Situations

How To Make Your Dog Good

With Social Situations

How To Socialize Your Dog

By Linda Hamilton

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Socializing your dog makes him comfortable and confident in many different situations. He’ll learn to be around other dogs, humans, and animals. When you use positive reinforcement and make socializing a consistent practice, you’ll help your dog to become a well-adjusted and confident companion.

In this article, I’ll tell you the most important things you need to know about socializing your dog and making him confident!

When should you start socializing your dog?

Socializing and training are recommended to start as soon you get your puppy home.

The most crucial time for puppies to get used to the world around them is between 3-14 weeks of age since they are most receptive to socialization around that age. 

When a puppy turns 12 weeks old, it becomes more cautious, and when he comes across something weird, his first reaction is to run away.

Therefore starting as early as possible is the best idea.

Build up his confidence and make him brave

When your dog gets to know the world around him for the first time, it can be very exciting.

Some things, depending on the dog, can be very scary for him. For example, the sounds of traffic, cars, and other dogs. On the other hand, some things, such as other owners with their dogs, can take their attention completely.

Your dog must be brave, and you have to be able to trust that he can behave in every situation. It is on you to make him confident and social. 

  1. Get your dog used to things that may make him anxious or even fearful. These can be loud noises, cars, traffic, and big crowds. In these situations, give him treats, praise him and play with his favorite toy. The goal is to make these situations positive so he learns that he doesn’t have to be scared of them. When the situation gets too overwhelming or scary, you can easily distract him by giving him his favorite toy.

2. Teach your dog the basic commands. When he knows ’sit’, ’lay’, ’come’, ’stay’, and ’leave’, you can use these commands to make your dog feel more in control in these social situations. You are then also able to control the situation, and you can trust your dog. For example, if your dog is scared of loud cars, you can ask him to sit down and watch cars drive by from a safe distance. Squat down next to him and hold on to his leash so he can’t run after the cars. Praise him when he is sitting calmly. Reward him with a treat once a car has driven by. Be patient and let him get used to the cars in peace.

3. Use positive reinforcement when your dog is behaving in the wanted way. Reward him for good behavior, such as staying calm and being confident. You can offer him treats, praise him, or play with him. It will help him associate positive feelings with social situations, and be happy to meet more new people and experience new things.

How should you socialize your dog?

The puppy needs to encounter as many different situations as possible. This means meeting new people, new dogs, and new locations.

It can be really exciting and nerve-racking for your dog so make sure you gradually expose him to these new things.

Start with familiar people

But before you introduce him to new people start with familiar people. They can be family members or your friends. 

This way the environment feels safer and he becomes more comfortable with people and in other social situations.

Introduce him to new people

Once he is comfortable with people familiar to him you can slowly start to introduce him to new people.

It is best to do this in a controlled manner so you avoid overwhelming him. At first, let him meet only a few people at once and gradually increase the number of people.

Make first interactions short

Make sure the interactions are short at first. Start with a few minutes and once he is comfortable, you can increase it to 10 minutes or longer.

Tell the people who are getting to know your dog exactly how you want the situation to happen. It ensures that the experience is positive and feels safe for everyone.

Introduce your dog to other dogs

Introducing your dog to other dogs can be a fun and joyous experience. But how should you do it to make the experience positive? How should you introduce your dog to other dogs?

Start by finding a location.


 A dog park or a neutral territory that is not near your dog’s or the other dog’s home is a great place for the dogs to meet. This is because dogs are very territorial and can become defensive if an unfamiliar dog steps into their territory.


Keep both dogs on a leash. When both are on a leash the situation is controlled and safe. Approach the other dog calmly and slowly. Now you can let them sniff each other but ensure you are still keeping a distance.


Watch both dogs’ body language. If either of the dogs seems aggressive or uncomfortable with the situation move afar with your dog.


If both seem happy and comfortable you can move closer to the other dog. You can now allow them to interact with each other. Only remove leashes and let the dogs play, after you see that both get along and feel comfortable with each other.


Always keep an eye on them while they interact since if either of the dogs shows signs of aggression the best thing to do is separate them.


Be patient and calm during the introduction since dogs can sense your energy. If you are nervous and uneasy, your dog thinks there’s something to worry about. So stay calm and relaxed so your dog can be more at ease in every situation.


Remember that not all dogs are friendly and social towards other dogs. So use caution when you are introducing your dog to other dogs. Avoid forcing your dog to interact with others since it can make him anxious. You must know how your dog acts around and towards other dogs.

Attend a puppy class

A great way to socialize your dog is to attend a puppy socialization class. There your puppy will learn both socializing and basic training. By attending a puppy socialization class you can introduce your dog to other puppies and humans in a safe environment.

Other things to keep in mind when socializing your dog:

Your dog is an individual and his needs and personality differ from others.

 Some dogs can be shy and fearful, so extra patience and care-taking during new social experiences are required. Some breeds can have traits that affect socializing so it is great to keep that in mind with your dog.

Always watch and pay attention to your dog’s body language. Stop the interaction if he seems anxious or uncomfortable. You can always try again another time.

Every time you introduce your dog to a new situation, whether it’s another dog, a new human, or a new environment, keep him on a leash. It prevents him from running away.

Be aware of what is happening around you during social interactions. Avoid situations that could be stressful or even dangerous for your dog.

Be consistent with social interactions. Try to make him meet new people and dogs and new environments as often as possible so it becomes a normal and positive thing for him.

Last words

Be patient. Remember that socialization is a long ongoing process. It takes time and requires a lot of effort from you as a dog owner. It is extremely important for your dog’s overall well-being and it can help him become a happy companion.

Want to learn more?

Here’s a book recommendation on all you need to know about choosing the right dog for you to caretaking tips, and much more.

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